Pictograms & Mascots
CC ITA 1974 PANINI °Campioni dello Sport 1973-74° No. 127 - Italian Rowing Federation
CC USA 1996 OG Atlanta °Izzy competes for the Gold° No. 15 of 24 Collector Pin-Cards
Cigar label NED HOFMEESTER OG Munich with Olympic pictogram No. 3 on blue band and green band
Cigar label NED TOPRA SPORT ROEIEN with Olympic pictogram No 3
Cinderella CAF 2015 - Joachim Dreifke & Klaus Koeppelien (GDR), M2X gold medal winners OG Moscow 1980 + Olympic pictogram No.5
The inscription below the "stamp" on the left reads "Rowing Klaus Joachim and
Drayfke Kreppelin"
Cinderella CHN 2008 OG Beijing (pictogram)
Cinderella CHN 2008 Paralympic Games (Olympic pictogram No. 12a on tab)
Cinderella CHN 2008 Paralympic Games Beijing (mascots)
Cinderella Local Post $1 OG Tokyo - M4- gold medal winner crew AUS (with Olympic pictogram No. 15)
Cinderella Local Post $1 OG Tokyo - M4X gold medal winner crew NED (with Olympic pictogram No. 15)
Cinderella Local Post $1 OG Tokyo - M8+ gold medal winner crew NZL (with Olympic pictogram No. 15)
Cinderella Local Post $1 OG Tokyo - W1X gold medal winner Emma Twigg (NZL) - with Olympic pictogram No. 15
Cinderella Local Post $1 OG Tokyo - W4- gold medal winner crew AUS (with Olympic pictogram No. 15)
Cinderella Local Post $1 OG Tokyo - W8+ gold medal winner crew CAN (with Olympic pictogram No. 15)
Cinderella PAK 1988 OG Seoul (official mascot)
Cinderella USA 1989 - 13th Maccabiah Games (with Olympic pictogram No. 3) #Coll. A.#
Cinderella YUG 1979 - VIII. Mediterranean Games Split (with Olympic pictogram No. 4)
The rowing events took place
at Sibenik (about 60 km from Split)
Coin AUS 2016 OG Rio de Janeiro - Australian Olympic Team
Australia won a gold medal (W1X) and two silver medals (M4- and M4X) at OG Rio de Janeiro 2016
FDC ALG 2013 Oct. 18th - 50th anniversary of Algerian Olympic Committee
Illustrated card CRO 2023 with pictogram and corresponding postmark
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