Pins - USA
Pin USA 1992 TEXACO - Official sponsor of the 1992 Olympic Summer Games Barcelona
Pin USA 1995 °Rowing for the gold in Atlanta° - W8+ USA national rowing team
Pin USA 1996 OG Atlanta - blue globe with Olympic pictogram No. 9
Pin USA 1996 OG Atlanta - Centennial Olympic Games - Lake Lanier, site of Olympic Rowing (mascot)
Pin USA 1996 OG Atlanta - Coca-Cola with Olympic pictogram No. 9
Pin USA 1996 OG Atlanta - Kodak, official sponsor
Pin USA 1996 OG Atlanta - Lake Lanier, site of Olympic Rowing (Olympic pictogram No. 9)
Pin USA 1996 OG Atlanta - mascot Izzy sculling
Pin USA 1996 OG Atlanta - Team Izzy (mascot)
Pin USA 1996 OG Atlanta (mascot)
Pin USA 1996 OG Atlanta °Lake Lanier - site of Olympic rowing° with Olympic pictogram No. 9)
Pin USA 1996 OG Atlanta I
Pin USA 1996 OG Atlanta II (Olympic pictogram No. 9)
Pin USA 1996 OG Atlanta III (mascot Izzy)
Pin USA 1996 OG Atlanta IV
Pin USA 1996 OG Atlanta M&M's Brand
Pin USA 1996 US ROWING °Go for the Gold° with US Rowing Federation logo (No. 492 of 500 issued)
Pin USA 2012 NBC (= National Broadcast Company) OG London with movable 2X
Pin USA Olympic Rowing (Single sculler in blue frame with °USA° and Olympic rings underneath)
Pin USA with crossed blades and Olympic rings
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