Postcards - GER
PC GER Bremer RV 1882 - 2nd boathouse 1891-1905 (both cards PU 1899)
PC GER Bremer RV 1882 - the new boathouse 1906
Destroyed by bombs 1943
PC GER Bremer RV 1882 60th anniversary & annual general meeting 1942 PU - addressee: Dr. Walter Wuelfing, president of the German Rowing Federation (DRV) 1949-1966
PC GER Bremer RV 1882 boathouse 1959-60
PC GER Bremer RV 1882 boathouse PU 1939 - addressee: Dr. Walter Wuelfing, president of the German Rowing Federation (DRV) 1949-1966
PC GER Bremer Sport-Club (Post-SV) 125th anniversary 2010
PC GER Bromberg (now Bydgoszcz) RC "Frithjof" (founded 1894) - boathouse (PU 1941)
PC GER Cartoon "Der Rudersport" Serie IV - "Don't laugh, otherwise I'll capsize" (PU 1920 in SUI)
PC GER Cartoon "Der Seelen-Verkaeufer" (PU 1913)
PC GER cartoon with sculler on cascade - Verlag Arno Pries
PC GER Chemnitz RC °Meteor° 1913 - 10th foundation festival
PC GER comic drawing °The conspiracy against the directory° (PU 1901)
PC GER comic drawing °Wet greetings° - pictures with play on German rowing phrases (PU 1901)
PC GER comic drawing by W. Moese
PC GER comic drawing Verlag Arno Pries No. 02 - °Hip, Hip, Hurrah! Heftige Biergrüsse! (= passionate beer greetings)°
PC GER comic drawing Verlag Arno Pries No. 04 - °Der Race-Knueppel° (undivided back = pre 1905)
PC GER comic drawing Verlag Arno Pries No. 05 - °Der heimkehrende Sieger (= the winner coming home)°
PC GER comic drawing Verlag Arno Pries No. 07 °Gruss vom End-Spurt° (= greetings from the final spurt)
PC GER comic drawing Verlag Arno Pries No. 09 - °Der Salonruderer° (PU)
PC GER comic drawing Verlag Arno Pries No. 10 °Der Ruderer bei der Arbeit° (= the oarsman doing his work)
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