Postcards - G-H-I
PC GER 1936 OG Berlin - Drawing of Olympic regatta course (Meyerheim Olympia No. 1) with PM Berlin-Gruenau Regattabahn 1939 July 1st
PC GER 1936 OG Berlin - Drawing of Olympic regatta course with PM Aug. 14th (day of finals)
PC GER 1936 OG Berlin - regatta course Gruenau (coloured drawing)
PC GER 1936 OG Berlin Klinke B 394 - regatta course finish area and grandstand - PU with PM °Berlin-Gruenau Regattabahn Aug. 11th°
PC GER 1936 OG Berlin Meyerheim No. 1304 - boathouses and grandstand at finish area of the Olympic regatta course
PC GER 1936 OG Berlin Meyerheim No. 1305 (left) & 441305 (right) - view from grandstand at finish area to the Olympic regatta course
The card with the Olympic flags on the left side is postally used with PM Berlin-Gruenau
Regattabahn 1936 Aug. 9th, the one without the flags is unused.
PC GER 1968 - OG Mexico - Coxless fours at the start
PC GER 1968 - OG Mexico - Jochen Meissner (GER), M1X silver medal winner
PC GER 1968 OG Mexico - M8+ GER crew, Olympic champion , with coach Karl Adam
PC GER 1972 OG Munich - finish area and grandstand of regatta course
PC GER 1972 OG Munich - M4+ gold medal winner crew GER
PC GER 1972 OG Munich - Official poster depicting GER M8+ crew at OG Tokyo 1964 (silver medal winner)
PC GER 1983 WRC Duisburg - grandstand and finish tower
PC GER 1985 - Painting °Anrudern° by Irmgard v. Oertel - Muenchener Ruder- und Segelverein °Bayern°
PC GER 1987 - 100th International Regatta at Mannheim
PC GER 1987 Cologne - map of Cologne-Fuehlingen regatta course
PC GER 1988 Deutscher Ruderverband with photo of M8+ crew GER, gold medal winner OG Seoul, and Olympic pictogram No. 3
PC GER 1992 depicting M8+ GER 1991 (gold medal winner WRC Vienna) with stamp and FDC-PM 1992
The gold medal winner crew 1991 rowed with M. Mauerwerk & F. Richter instead of J. Hecht & W. Klapheck -
PC GER 1994 Painting °Improvisation 26 (Oars)° by Wassily Kandinsky (1912)
PC GER 2005 JWRC Brandenburg - race in progress at 1750 m
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