Postmarks - GER
PM GER 1935 Aug. 18th ERC Berlin-Gruenau - day of finals
PM GER 1936 Aug. 14th (date of finals) Berlin-Gruenau-Regattabahn "f" on SS
The letter "f" in this postmark is rare
PM GER 1936 Aug. 16th Berlin-Gruenau Regattabahn - roller cancel
PM GER 1936 Aug. 7th Berlin-Gruenau Regattabahn "l" on SS
The letter "l" in this postmark is rare
PM GER 1936 Berlin-Gruenau Regattabahn XI. Olympiade (letters a, c, d, e, g, h, i, k, m, n, p, q, s, t)
PM GER 1936 July 18th Berlin-Gruenau - German National Rowing and Canoeing championships
PM GER 1936 June 28th Berlin-Gruenau Grosse Berliner Ruder-Regatta
PM GER 1936 OG Berlin - red meter mark ° ...the rowers compete at Gruenau°
PM GER 1936 OG Berlin red meter mark °Die Ruderer kaempfen in Gruenau° with red cachet °Regatten 7-14.8.1936 Berlin-Gruenau°
"At the Olympics, the rowers compete in Gruenau"
PM GER 1937 Aug. 1st Leipzig - German national Rowing championships
PM GER 1937 June 19th & 20th Berlin-Gruenau °Grosse Berliner Ruder-Regatta°
PM GER 1938 Aug. 20th-21st Heilbronn - German national Rowing championships
PM GER 1938 July 24th Berlin-Gruenau Regattabahn
PM GER 1938 June 24th + 25th + 26th Berlin-Gruenau °Grosse Berliner Ruder-Regatta°
PM GER 1939 Aug. 13th Hannover - 28th German national Rowing championships
PM GER 1939 June 30th + July 1st & 2nd Berlin-Gruenau °Grosse Berliner Ruder-Regatta°
PM GER 1940 Apr. 7th Bromberg - Opening of the Rowing season
PM GER 1940 Aug. 4th Berlin-Gruenau Regattabahn
PM GER 1940 June 22nd + 23rd Berlin-Gruenau °Grosse Berliner Ruder-Regatta°
PM GER 1940 Sept. 28th Berlin-Gruenau - First regatta for staff of the German Mail
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