Postmarks - NED
PM NED 1937 Aug. 14th Amsterdam-Roeibaan - ERC Amsterdam
The first championship races on an artificial basin
This postmark was used during the European Rowing Championships only (1937 Aug. 13th-15th) -
PM NED 1977 Aug. 15th Amsterdam - WRC Aug. 20th-28th 1977
PM NED 1995 Dec. 5th Rijswijk - red meter mark °kiwa - Sponsor Holland Acht Nederlandse Roeibond°
PM NED 1996 Aug. 7th Hardenberg (Postbus 5) - red mter mark °WAVIN°, official teamsponsor of the Dutch Olympic W8+
PM NED 1996 June 3rd Hardenberg (Postbus 5) - WAVIN, official teamsponsor Olympische Vrouwen Acht roeiploeg (= W8+)
PM NED TPGPOST Huizen - red meter mark °roei je fit - voel je goed° (ergo rowing)