Rare Items
PC FRA 1924 OG Paris No. 445 - The Canadian M8+ crew (silver medal winner)
PC FRA 1924 OG Paris No. 446 - The USA M8+ crew, gold medal winner (PU 1924 to USA, praising the performance of this crew)
PC FRA 1924 OG Paris No. 447 - The ARG M8+ crew (eliminated in the repercharge)
PC FRA 1924 OG Paris No. 448 - The Italian M8+ crew (bronze medal winner)
PC FRA 1924 OG Paris St-Raphael Quinquina °Aviron°
PC FRA MARIE BRIZARD & ROGER - Grand Hotel Agen - No. 11 Canotage
PC GBR 1908 OG London (at Henley) - The GBR crew (Leander) two lengths ahead of the Belgian crew (RCN de Gand) in the M8+ final
PC GBR 1933 Henley Regatta - Grand Challenge Cup final (PU Henley 1934 July 3rd)
Nevertheless he won the final. Quote from R. D. Burnell in his book "Henley Regatta" (p. 167):
Not the least remarkable performance of the Regatta (1934) was that of H. Buhtz. He was
suffering from lumbago, and took matters as easily as he dared, his great pace enabling him,
in every race, to gain an early lead and then slack off... Unquestionably he was one of the
greatest scullers Henley has ever seen." (1957)
PC GBR Henley Olympic Regatta 1908 (PU July 30th = the day before the rowing finals)
PC GER 1902 ERC Strasbourg (PU 1902 Aug. 24th = championships day)
PC GER 1935 OG Berlin °Denkt an Olympia 1936° No. 17 (PU 1936)
PC GER 1936 - Drawing of Olympic regatta course (Serie Olympia No. 2)
PC GER 1936 Berlin-Gruenau (Meyerheim Serie Olympia No. 2) - Olympic regatta course drawing (PU 1937)
PC GER 1936 OG Berlin - Drawing of Olympic regatta course (Meyerheim Oly 2)
PC GER 1936 OG Berlin - Drawing of Olympic regatta course (Meyerheim Olympia No. 1) with PM Berlin-Gruenau Regattabahn 1939 July 1st
PC GER 1936 OG Berlin - Drawing of Olympic regatta course with PM Aug. 14th (day of finals)
PC GER Berliner RV von 1876 (PU 1903)
PC GER Frankfurt a.M. - greetings from the Frankfurter Regattaverein (PU 1897)
PC GER Mainzer RV °Gruss aus dem Bootshaus° (undivided back = pre 1905)
PC GER Offenbacher RV - 25th anniversary 1874-1899 (PU 1899)
The boathouse on the left was built in 1893.
It was destroyed by a fire in the year 1906.
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