Rare Items
Pin FRA 1959 ERC Macon
Pin GER 1939 (January) Winterhilfswerk Gau Muenchen Oberbayern
Pin NED 1939 ERC Amsterdam (cancelled because of outbreak World War II)
Pin TCH 1961 ERC Prague
PM DEN 1953 Aug. 12th ERC Copenhagen
PM GBR 1903 July 7th Henley Regatta A
From book "Special Event Postmarks
of the United Kingdom, Vol. 1"
(British Postmark Society 1991)
PM GBR 1908 Henley July 31st (day of finals OG London 1908 at Henley)
PM GBR 1937 July 2nd Henley Regatta (three different PM)
PM GBR 1939 July 5th Henley Regatta (three different postmarks) #Coll. JE#
PM GBR 1948 Aug. 5th Henley Mobile Post Office B (OG London) #Coll. JE#
PM GBR 1948 Aug. 6th Henley Mobile Post Office C (OG London) #Coll. JE#
PM GBR 1951 July 5th Henley Regatta
From book "Special Event Postmarks
of the United Kingdom, Vol. 1"
(British Postmark Society 1991)
PM GBR 1955 June 30th Henley Mobile Post Office A #Coll. JE#
PM GBR 1960 June 30th Henley Mobile Post Office A #Coll. JE#
PM GER 1936 Aug. 14th (date of finals) Berlin-Gruenau-Regattabahn "f" on SS
The letter "f" in this postmark is rare
PM GER 1936 Aug. 7th Berlin-Gruenau Regattabahn "l" on SS
The letter "l" in this postmark is rare
PM GER 1936 OG Berlin - red meter mark ° ...the rowers compete at Gruenau°
PM GER 1936 OG Berlin red meter mark °Die Ruderer kaempfen in Gruenau° with red cachet °Regatten 7-14.8.1936 Berlin-Gruenau°
"At the Olympics, the rowers compete in Gruenau"
PM HUN 1925 July 4th-5th Budapest - M.E,SZ. Nemzetkoezi Regatta Berlin-Budapest-Wien
PM HUN 1925 June 21st Budapest - MAC Jubilaris Regatta
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