Regattas - D-E-F
PC FRA Nantes Regatta
PC FRA Nogent -sur-Marne - regatta start area (PU 1909)
PC FRA Nogent-sur-Marne - regatta (PU 1911)
PC FRA Nogent-sur-Marne - start of a M1X race (PU 1906)
PC FRA Nogent-sur-Marne °Les Régates° (PU 1907)
PC FRA Rouen Regatta (PU 1905)
PC FRA Royan regatta (PU 1912)
PC FRA Saint-Jean-de-Luz regatta
PC FRA Stade Olympique d'aviron - venue of the Olympic regatta Paris 2024
PC FRA Stors °Une course à quatre rameurs° (PU 1913)
PC FRA Toulon - Régates à l'Aviron (rowing cutter race) (PU 1905)
PC FRA Tours - M4+ race on Loire river (PU 1905)
PC FRA Tours regatta (PU 1908)
PC FRA Tremolat (Dordogne) regatta - M8+ race
PC FRA Vichy International Regattas (PU 1962)
PC FRA Vichy regatta (PU 1950)
Pin FRA "Championats de la Seine" centenary regatta 1971 (organized by Rowing-Club Paris)
Pin FRA Championat International d'Aviron (date unknown)
Pin FRA Regates Maconnaises
PM ESP 1990 Dec. 29th + 1991 Jan. 13th Sevilla - 25th regatta Sevilla versus Betis (two different designs)
The regatta Sevilla versus Betis is a long distance race (6.200 m) between two M8+ from
the two most important soccer teams of the city: Sevilla Futbol Club and Real Betis Balonpie.
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