Regattas - G-H-I
PC GER Frankfurt a.M. - greetings from the Frankfurter Regattaverein (PU 1897)
PC GER Frankfurt a.M. - greetings from the regatta - Hipp-Hipp-Hurra! (PU 1901)
PC GER Frankfurt a.M. - greetings from the regatta (PU 1908)
PC GER Frankfurt a.M. °Gruss von der Frankfurter Regatta° (PU 1897)
PC GER Frankfurter Regatta-Verein (PU 1904) & unused PC on the right
PC GER Giessen - regatta course on Lahn river (PU 1967)
PC GER Godesberger Regatta on the Rhine (PU 1938)
PC GER Hamburg - aerial view of Uhlenhorster Faehrhaus and surrounding area during regatta 1930
PC GER Hamburg - Norddeutscher Regatta-Verein (= North-German Regatta-Club) boathouse
undivided back = pre 1905
PC GER Hamburg Regatta (undated)
The long white boat in
the foreground carries
a large flag with the in-
scription "Schiedsrichter"
(= umpire) at the stern
PC GER Hamburg regatta finish area (undivided back = pre 1905)
PC GER Hamburg regatta with boathouse of RC Allemannia in background (PU 1929)
PC GER Hamburg regatta with text refering to regatta result on the back (PU 1909)
PC GER Hamburg-Allermoehe regatta course
PC GER Hamburger regatta (3 different PC with Uhlenhorster Faehrhaus in background)
This PC is known with a Hamburg PM 1905
PU 1911
PC GER Hannover Maschsee-Regatta
Unused - pre World War II
The Maschsee is an artificial lake south
of Hannover's city centre.Important
international regattas and national
championships were organized there.
PC GER Leipzig - regatta course Hochflutbecken
PU 1933
PM °Deutsche Rudermeisterschaften 1937°
and corresponding text
PC GER Mainz regatta (PU 1914)
PC GER Mainzer Regatta (PU 1899)
PC GER Mannheim Regatta (PU 1910 July 3rd with text related to the event)
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