Regattas - G-H-I
Registered letter GER 1943 Aug. 1st Berlin-Gruenau Regattabahn with registration label 738 s
Registered letter GER 1943 June 27th Berlin-Gruenau with PM Grosse Berliner Ruder-Regatta and registration label 830 c
Registered letter GER 1943 June 27th Berlin-Gruenau with PM Grosse Berliner Ruder-Regatta and registration label 930 c
Registered letter GER 1943 June 27th with PM Berlin-Gruenau Grosse Berliner Ruder-Regatta with registration label 924 c
Registered letter GER 1944 July 30th Vienna with PM German Rowing Championships and registration label 331 b
Registered letter ITA 1953 June 28th Catania Intermediterranean Regatta
Stamp GDR 1976 May 18th - OG Montreal - finish tower at regatta course Brandenburg
MI 2129
SC 1724
SG E 1844
YV 1806
Stamp ITA 2005 May 26th - Regatta of the Ancient Maritime Republics Amalfi, Genoa, Pisa and Venice
MI 3039
SG 2942
YV 2785
The four eight-oared galleons race over a
2000-m course from Capo di Vettica to
Marina Grande.
Many Italian rowing athletes - among them
Olympic medal winners - have taken part
in this race which is held annually since 1956.
Stamp ITA 2015 Aug. 1st - La Spezia Gulf Rowing Race 90th anniversary
MI 3824
SG 3664
YV 3585
On Aug. 1st the La Spezia Gulf Rowing Race celebrated
its 90th anniversary. It takes place on the first Sunday
of August each year. La Spezia is located between Genoa
and Pisa towards the eastern end of the Ligurian Riviera.
The race is part of the Festival of the Sea. 13 crews repre-
senting as many neighboring towns and villages compete
over a distance of 2000 m, reaching three times the buoys
that mark the race course.
At top right of the stamp is the ensign of the event that
is awarded to the team of the winning village.
Stamp MON 1989 Sept. 7th - Painting °Regatta at Molesey° (GBR) by A. Sisley
MI 1932
SC 1690
SG 1959
YV 1694
original painting
Stamp UZB 2001 (unauthorized) - Painting "Regatta at Molesey 1874" by Alfred Sisley
Stationary II GER 1970 Salzgitter - car park at Salzgitter Lake with part of the regatta course in background
Stationary II HUN Szeged Regatta 1982 July 10th - 11th
Literal translation:
Male youth friendship competition
Sticker GBR Marlow Town Regatta (established 1855)
Sticker GER 1987 Regatta Mannheim centenary
Ticket GER 1935 - First regatta Duisburg
Wine glas GER Bernkastel Regatta "Gruener Mosel-Pokal" (= Green Mosel Cup)
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