Regattas - USA
CC GER Publishers Weber, Leipzig, series 781 °Regatta for students at Honolulu (Hawai)° - undated
The Head of the Charles Regatta at Boston
is the world's largest 3-day rowing event.
Cover USA 1939 with cachet °Inter Collegiate Regatta Poughkeepsie°
Illustrated cover USA 1939 Poughkeepsie Inter Collegiate Regatta
Illustrated cover USA 1983 - OG Los Angeles (with corresponding PM Sept. 10th Ventura)
Label USA Poughkeepsie Regatta 1938 June 27th #Coll. KA#
Label USA Poughkeepsie Regatta 1939 June 17th
Label USA Poughkeepsie Regatta 1941 June 25th
Magazine cover USA 1900 Tip Top Weekly July issue No. 221 (image on magnet)
Magazine cover USA 1905 SCRIBNER'S July issue °Thrilling Harvard-Yale Boat Race story° with illustration by J.C. Leyendecker (image on magnet)
Matchbook cover USA Syracuse Regatta Pavilion
PC USA Augusta Invitational Rowing Regatta
PC USA Lake Cayuga, Ithaka, N. Y. regatta
PC USA Schuylkill River Regatta course with John B. Kelly memorial
John B. Kelly won the M1X and M2X gold medals
at the Olympic Games Antwerp 1920
Pin USA °Head of the Charles° Regatta
Poster USA 1923 Poughkeepsie Regatta (image on magnet)
Poster USA 1992 °Schweppes International Regatta° Washington DC (image on magnet)
Poster USA 2014 Six Bridges Regatta Little Rock, Arkansas (image on magnet)
Poster USA 2015 Six Bridges Regatta Little Rock, Arkansas (image on magnet)
Stamp USA (personalized issue) - Corvallis RC (Oregon) with three medals of the "Head of the Charles" Regatta (Boston) #Coll. KA#
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