PC GER Munich-Oberschleisshein - regatta course (PU 1977)
PC GER Neumuenster - regatta on the Einfelder Lake (PU 1915)
PC GER Ratzeburg - greetings from the rowing town with photo of the regatta course on the Kuechensee
PC GER Rosslau - Gruss von der Prinz Aribert-Regatta (PU 1898)
PC GER Starnberger See Regatta (PU 1911)
PC GER Wiesbaden - greetings from the Kaiser Regatta (PU 1900)
PC GER8 Berlin-Gruenau regatta 1908 with an unidentified M8+ crew in foreground
PC Ghent watersportbaan (= regatta course) - PU 1966
PC HUN PU 1993 - Painting Count Istvan Szechenyi regatta Budapest by Hajos Hollanda Éva (1991)
PC ITA - regatta on Lake Misurina (PU 1924)
PC ITA 1953 Lecco International regatta with corresponding PM
PC ITA 1960 OG Rome - Olympic regatta course Lago Albano
This was the first time six buoyed lanes were
used. From now on the "Albano system"
became standard for olympic regattas and
World Rowing Championships.
PC ITA 1978 °XV Manifestazione Internazionale di Canottaggio° with illustration of Sabaudia regatta course and PM of philatelic exhibition
PC ITA 2000 - 5th Regata delle Università d'Europa at Milan Idroscalo
The M8+ race was won by Oxford
PC ITA 2008 - °Silver skiff° trophy International regatta Torino - 145th anniversary of Canottieri CEREA Torino
PC ITA 2015 Pescara - Mediterranean Beach Games Rowing Beach Sprint
PC ITA Piediluco regatta (PU 1993)
PC ITA Sabaudia Lago di Paola - International Rowing Center
PC JPN Osaka regatta
PC JPN Regatta on the Sumidagawa River, Tokyo
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