Stamps by Countries - CAF
Stamp CAF 1972 Dec. 28th - Barrelet (FRA), M1X gold medal winner OG Paris 1900
MI 305
SC C106
SG 314
YV PA111
Stamp CAF 1979 March 16th OG Moscow
MI 616 A
SC 381
(stern of single sculls at right margin)
MI 616 B - imperforated
(stern of single sculls at right margin)
MI 617 A
SC 382
MI 618 A
SC 383
MI MS 615-20 A
MI MS 615-20 B
MI SS 59
MI SS 60
MI SS 61
(stern of single sculls at right margin)
MI SS 62
MI SS 64
Stamp CAF 1982 July 24th SS OG Los Angeles with Olympic pictogram No. 6 in upper margin (perforated & imperforated)
MI SS 200 A MI SS 200 B -
Stamp CAF 2011 - Painting "Oarsmen at Chatou" (1879) by Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) - perforated + imperforated
MI SS 896
YV BF 431
Stamp CAF 2011 SS - Painting °Le déjeuner des canotiers° (1881) by Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919)
Stamp CAF 2013 Jan. 25th perforated & imperforated - Paintings by A. Sisley °Sous le pont à Hampton Court° (1874) and °Régates à Molesey° (1874)
YV 2600
YV 2601
original painting
original painting
Stamp CAF 2016 June 20th - 100th anniversary of Thomas Eakins's death - Painting °Max Schmitt in a Single Sculls" (1871)
YV BF 978
Stamp CAF 2021 Oct. 7th MS OG Tokyo 2020 (unauthorized issue)
Stamp CAF 2022 (unauthorized issue) - Emma Twigg (NZL) - set of six
W1X Olympic champion OG Tokyo 2020
W1X World champion 2014 WRC Amsterdam
Stamp CAF 2023 May 22nd - pre-olympic year - W4-
Stamp CAF 2023 SS Coubertin with image of stamp AUS 2012 OG London
Stamp CAF 2024 Nov. 29th - OG Paris (single sculler) 1000 FCFA + 1500 FCFA
Blades entering the water at different angels
Stretched arms at the beginning
of the stroke must be at the same height
Stamp CAF 2024 OG Paris (pictogram)