Stamps by Countries - MLI
Stamp MLI 2010 - Painting °Oarsmen's breakfast° by Auguste Renoir (1841-1919)
Stamp MLI 2010 SS - OG Moscow 30th anniversary (perforated and imperforated) - Duncan Free (AUS), Olympic pictogram No. 5 in background
The designer selected Duncan Free for illustration though at the time of OG 1980 the sculler was seven years old, and AUS boycotted the Moscow Games. Duncan Free won the M2- gold medal together with his partner Drew Ginn at WRC Eton 2006, WRC Munich
2007 and OG Beijing 2008. As a sculler he gained bronze medals at OG Atlanta 1996 (M4X), WRC
Aiguebelette 1997 (M2X) and WRC St. Catharines 1999 (M4X). In 2001 he won the Diamond Sculls at Henley.
Stamps MLI 2024 Dec. 30th OG Paris