Stamps by Year - 1981
It is sometimes difficult to decide whether a stamp is an official issue and thus valid for postage, especially in African and Asian countries. If a stamp is listed in the world-wide accepted and well-known stamp catalogues Michel (MI, Germany), Scott (SC, USA), Stanley-Gibbons (SG, United Kingdom) or Yvert & Tellier (YV, France) it is a real postage stamp for sure. Often these catalogues publish new issues from exotic countries only many years after their issue date.
If it is doubtful whether a stamp is an official issue or not that particular stamp remains listed in the category "Stamps" unless its unauthorized status is proven.
Illustrated card GER 1981 WRC Munich Aug. 26th - Sept. 6th with stamp and logo-PM
Stamp BUL 1981 Jan. 9th SS OG Moscow - Olympic pictogram No. 5 in silver (commemoration of Bulgarian W4+ silver medal and W4X+, W2- & M4X bronze medals)
MI SS 109
Stamp FIN 1981 May 18th - Churchboats in action
MI 881
SG 993
YV 845
Stamp FRA 1981 June 6th - Vichy
MI 2268
SC 1744
YV 2144
Stamp GER 1981 Apr. 10th - °For the Sport°-issue (WRC Munich 1981)
MI 1094
SC B587
SG 1958
YV 926
Stamp GER 1981 booklet Deutsche Sporthilfe
Stamp GRN-GRENADINES 1981 Jan. 25th - Painting "Sunday Afternoon on the Ile de la Grande Jatte° (1885) by G. Seurat
MI 432
SC 423
Stamp GRN-GRENADINES 1981 Jan. 25th - Painting °Max Schmitt in a single sculls° (1871) by T. Eakins
MI 433
SC 424
Stamp STP 1981 Febr. 2nd - OG Moscow
MI 667
MI 667 block of 4
SC 595a
MI SS 51 A
MI SS 51 B
Stamp URS 1981 OG Moscow (unauthorized) - Pertti Karppinen (FIN), Olympic M1X champion 1976 OG Montreal and 1980 OG Moscow (+ 1984 OG Los Angeles)
Pertti Karppinen also won the M1X gold medal
at WRC Bled 1979 and WRC Hazewinkel 1985
Stamp URS 1981 OG Moscow (unauthorized) - Joachim Dreifke & Klaus Koeppelien (GDR), M2X gold medal winners OG Moscow 1980 + WRC Munich 1981