Stamps by Year - 2001 - 2010
Stamp AFG 2001 - Painting °The Seine at the Isle of Grande Jatte in the Spring° 1887 by Georges Seurat
The souvenir sheet is presumably
a private (non-official) issue, and
thus the stamp can be regarded
as a cinderella or poster stamp with
no real value for franking.
Stamp ARM 2010 Nov. 26th MS - Youth Olympic Games Singapore with Olympic pictogram No. 12 in lower right margin
MI 717
SC 846
Stamp ARM 2010 Nov. 26th SS - Olympic champions with Olympic pictogram No. 12 on lower margin
MI SS 38
SC 850
Stamp AUS 2003 Jan. 7th MS °Athens to Athens 1896-2004° Australian gold medal winners - The Early years (Henry Pearce M1X 1928+1932)
Personalized issue
MI MS 2196
SC 2121
The last row of "Australian Gold Medallists"
reads: Henry Pearce - Rowing - 1928, 1932
Stamp AUS 2003 Jan. 7th MS °Athens to Athens 1896-2004° Australian gold medal winners - The Golden Era (Mervyn Woods M1X 1948)
Personalized issue
MI MS 2196
stamp SC 2121
The second row of "Australian Gold Medallists"
reads "Mervyn Wood - Rowing - 1948"
Stamp AUS 2003 Jan. 7th MS °Athens to Athens 1896-2004° Australian gold medal winners - The Modern Games (M4- 1992+1996)
Personalized issue
MI MS 2196
SC 2121
OG Barcelona 1992 Aug. 2nd:
A. Cooper, N. Green, M. McKay, J. Tomkins
OG Atlanta 1996 July 27th:
D. Ginn, J. Tomkins, N. Green, M. McKay
Stamp AUS 2004 Aug. 23rd OG Athens - Tomkins & Ginn (AUS), M2- gold medal winners
MI 2343
SC 2271
MI MS 2335-51
Tomkins won his gold medal at the age of 39
Stamp AUS 2004 March 16th with Boxing Kangaroo on tab
MI 2297
SC 2225
Personalized issue
Stamp AUS 2008 Aug. 18th - OG Beijing M2- gold medal winners Drew Ginn & Duncan Free (AUS)
MI 3057 II
SC 2917
SG 3043 B
YV 2929
printing with Chinese characters in margin
MI 3057 I
Stamp AUS 2008 Aug. 18th - OG Beijing M2X gold medal winners David Crawshay & Scott Brennan (AUS)
MI 3058 II
SC 2918
SG 3044 B
YV 2928
MI 3058 I (printed in CHN with Chinese
characters in sheet margin)
MI 3058 I (printed in CHN with Chinese characters in sheet margin)
Stamp AUS 2008 MS OG Beijing - Australian gold medallists, among them the M2- and M2X gold medal winners
MI MS 3052-65
Stamp BEL 2001 June 11th - Painting °Sunday° (1924) by Frits van den Berghe (1883-1939)
MI 3056
SC 1857c
Stamp BEL 2010 Oct. 18th (personalized) - Ghent Koninklijke Roeivereniging Club 140th anniversary 1871-2011
MI 4130 -
Stamp BEN 2007 MS perforated & imperforated (unauthorized issue) - OG Beijing
Stamp BEN 2008 MS °Legendary Athletes at Olympic Games° perforated & imperforated (unauthorized) - Steve Redgrave (GBR)
Steve Redgrave (GBR) won five gold medals in five consecutive Olympic Games:
1984 OG Los Angeles M4+ (with M. Cross, R. Budgett, A. Holmes, cox A. Ellison)
1988 OG Seoul M2- (with A. Holmes)
1992 OG Barcelona M2- (with M. Pinsent)
1996 OG Atlanta M2- (with M. Pinsent)
2000 OG Sydney M4+ (with J. Cracknell, T. Foster, M. Pinsent)
Stamp BEN 2008 SS perforated & imperforated (unauthorized) - OG Beijing - Steve Redgrave (GBR)
Stamp BIH 2001 May 30th - Mediterranean Games Tunis 2001 with Olympic pictogram No. 3
MI 241
SG 678
YV 358
Stamp BLR 2004 Oct. 7th SS OG Athens - Olympic medals for BLR
MI SS 41
SC 538
W1x silver medal: E. Karsten (BLR)
W2- bronze medal: Y. Bichyk & N. Helakh (BLR)
Stamp BLR 2008 Aug. 15th OG Beijing - Ekaterina Karsten (BLR)
Stamp BLR 2010 July 24th - OG Beijing 2008 medal winners from BLR SS
MI SS 77
SG MS 821
YV BF 79
Rowing tabs on margin:
bronze medal winners
Ekaterina Karsten (W1X)
Yuliya Bichyk & Natalia Helakh (W2-)
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