Stamps by Year - 2001 - 2010
Stamp BRA 2001 Aug. 21st - Club de Regatas Vasco da Gama, Rio de Janeiro
MI 3169
SC 2787
Stamp BRA 2001 Nov. 23rd - Clube de Regatas do Flamengo, Rio de Janeiro
MI 3208
Founded 1895 as rowing club
Stamp BRA 2010 Sept. 1st - Sport Club Corinthians Paulista centenary 1910 - 2010 (four different stamps)
MI 3831
SC 3143
MI 3833
SC 3145
personalized issue
SC 3144
textile surface
SC 3146
Stamp BUL 2007 Dec. 19th ERC Poznan - Rumyana Neykova (BUL), W1X gold medal winner
MI 4830
SC 4459
YV 4165
Stamp BUL 2010 July 30th - Youth Olympic Games Singapore with pictogram on tab in lower left corner
MI 4963
SC 4551
Stamp CAN 2007 May 3rd SS (left) + booklet cover (right) - Ottawa 150 years
MI SS 94
Stamp CGO 2004 (unauthorized) OG Athens
Stamp CHI 2002 Febr. 9th - Valdivia 450 years
MI 2062
SC 1387
Stamp CHN 2005 Sept. 16th OG Beijing 2008 with 2X mascot on tab
Stamp CHN 2006 Aug. 8th OG Beijing MS with Olympic pictogram No. 12 in upper margin (Basketball yellow, Fencing green, Sailing blue, Gymnastics red)
Stamp CHN 2006 June 23rd OG Beijing SS with mascot or pictogram tabs (°One World One Dream° series)
Stamp MI 3768 -
Stamp CHN 2006 OG Beijing with Olympic pictogram No. 12 on tab
MI 3768
Stamp CHN 2007 Apr. 27th OG Beijing with Shunyi regatta course finish area on tab
MI 3850 -
Stamp CHN 2007 MS - 105th centenary of Guizhou University
Stamp CHN 2007 SS OG Beijing - Shunyi Olympic Rowing-Canoeing Park (competition venues series)
Stamp CHN 2007 with single sculler on tab - National Junior Rowing Championships
Stamp CHN 2008 Aug. 9th
MI 3992
The Olympic rowing pictogram is depicted just above "1.20"
Stamp CHN 2008 Aug. 9th MS °Celebrating the Chinese Team Gold Medallists°
MI 3992 (3x)
Stamp CHN 2009 Dec. 25th (personalized MS with tabs 2010) - 16th Asian Games Guangzhou 2010 Nov. 14th-19th - M8+ gold medal winner crew CHN
Zhang Fangbing, Zen Xiaolong,
Zhu Ziqiang, Guo Xiaobing,
Zhou Yinan, Wang Xiangdang,
Xue Feng, Qu Xiaoming,
Zhang Dechang
Stamp CHN 2009 Dec. 25th (personalized MS with tabs 2010) - 16th Asian Games Guangzhou 2010 Nov. 14th-19th - W2- and W4 gold medal winner crews CHN
W2-: Sun Zhengping & Lin Hong
W4: either W4- or LW4X
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