Unidentified Crews
CC ITA 1974 PANINI °Campioni dello Sport 1973-74° No. 129 - M4- crew ITA
CC ITA 1976 EDIS °OLIMPIADI° No. 132 - M8+ crew ITA
Translation: "The blue eight (= national team ITA)
entering the final in Montreal would be a big result
for us" - In fact the Italian eight did not start there.
CC NED °Go for Gold° No. 53 (W8+)
CC NED °Go for Gold° playing card No. 56 (M4-)
CC NED °Go for Gold° playing card No. 57 (LM4-)
Cinderella ISOE SWE OG Montreal 1976 depicting Yuri Malishev (URS), M1X gold medal winner OG Munich 1972
Illustrated card URS 1985 - crews from countries that boycotted the OG Los Angeles1984
PC GER 1908 Berlin-Gruenau regatta with an unidentified M8+ crew in foreground
Stamp BDI 2018 MS OG Tokyo 2020 (W2-)
Stamp BDI 2023 SS - unauthorized issue - "Rowing at the 1976 Summer Olympics"
Lower right corner: J. Dreifke & K. Koeppelien (GDR),
M2X gold medal winners OG Montreal 1976 and WRC
Munich 1981
Stamp CAF 2023 May 22nd - pre-olympic year - W4-
Stamp CGO 2004 (unauthorized) OG Athens
Stamp CHA 1984 March 1st perforated + imperforated + special SS - OG Los Angeles (photo of M4+ race)
Stamp DJI 2005 OG Beijing 2008 (unauthorized)
Upper right corner:
J. Karsten (BLR), W1X silver medal OG Athens 2004
Stamp GEQ 2010 (unauthorized) ERC Montemor-o-Velho, POR
Stamp GUI 2022 OG Paris 2024 (unauthorized issue)
Stamp SLE 2022 OG Paris 2024 (unauthorized issue)
Stamp STP 2003 Apr. 1st - OG Athens 2004
MI MS 2174-79
SC 1574
YV 1662-67
MI 2174
SC 1574a
YV 1662
MI 2175
SC 1574b
YV 1663
MI 2176
SC 1574c
YV 1664
MI 2177
SC 1574d
YV 1665
MI 2178
SC 1574e
YV 1666
MI SS 449
SC 1575
YV BF 257
MI 2179
SC 1574f
YV 1667
Stamp STP 2004 (unauthorized) - OG Athens